The Enhance Alma Committee invites you to participate in the Lights In Our Lives… people whose memories we cherish, whose gifts of service to our country have helped preserve our freedom, whose loving kindness we treasure or to whom we simply wish to express a holiday greeting!
For a donation of $5.00 each, you can dedicate a light on our Community Holiday Trees. Proceeds will be used for Enhance Alma projects.
Names of all those honored or in memory of will be listed in the Buffalo County News the week of Christmas. Deadline is Saturday, November 29, 2025. The Christmas trees at Orange Street will be on the whole month of December in honor of the lights in our lives!
Please download the signup form below. If you have any questions, please call Christine Alvord at 608.797.4804 or email at
The Alma Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center is located in the Wings Over Alma Building on Main Street. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. We are happy to provide more details. Please email us 24/7 or call us to learn more.
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