Alma Chamber
Alma Chamber Meeting Minutes

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Member Meeting Minutes
June 18, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
May 21, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
April 16, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
March 19, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
February 20, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Meeting called to order by President Bill Wolcott at 5:19pm. Members present included Jennifer Griffith, Kelly Herold, Joshua and Katie Griep, Stacy Lewellyn, Sheila and Tom Huber, Gary and Kathy Jepsen. Meeting is being held at the Burlington Hotel. No current secretary’s report noted.

Treasurer’s Report by Kelly. Current balance in checking is $4461 with 20 paid members.

Membership Committee by Jennifer. First is requesting an assistance with this role as Merri Thornton no longer is. The letters with invitation for tonights meeting were mailed to 2023 members with an invoice for this years membership dues. Another reminder email will be sent before 3/31/24 as well as door to door canvasing will be the next plan. Then the goal would be to pull in more area people/businesses from the area surrounding Alma. A committee will be needed to organize benefits of being an Alma Chamber member hopefully using suggestions from current members of what they would like the chamber to provide. A pamphlet/flyer with this would be a future goal to provide to new members. Also the “Friends of the Chamber” would be a future goal to include non-businesses and community members.

Bill proposed the need for other committee formation for events, advertising/marketing, and bylaws.

We then discussed a calendar of events to be created and listing events known to those present which Kathy will create a document to get this started and email to the board. Katie offered to help with this. Good discussion was had and inclusive were some of the Buffalo City events. One goal is to try to capitialize on the July 27th Lock and Dam Tour which brings a large group of visitors to the town.

Discussion of different venues of our businesses for future member meetings. Josh and Katie were very interested in hosting at the theater. Guest speakers for member meetings was also proposed to promote more participation in the meetings. Meeting adjourned at 6:08pm with a potluck and socializing to follow.

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Member Meeting Minutes
January 16, 2024 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
November 14, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

The meeting was called to order by newly elected President Bill Wolcott at 5:23pm with members present Kelly Herold, Sheila Huber, Lori McCammon, Jennifer Griffith, Sandy Rehse, Kathy Jepsen.

Secretary’s Report from Annual Meeting 10/17/23 reviewed by membership. Needed for completion is Heidi from Unparallel Farms’ last name.

Treasurer’s Report unavailable but no changes from the board meeting of 11/7/23. Kathy mentioned cost of Chamber’s sign hung above our chamber information area in WOA was submitted to Dave Schams for payment of $99.97. Discussion and explanation of new treasurer duties taken over by Kelly Herold who will also be a board member now. This will go into effect once Dave Schams resigns due to health issues. Motion made once Dave resigns to accept Kelly as the new Treasurer and board member by Kathy and seconded by Sandy with member approval and carried. A second motion was made by Kathy to have the signature card updated at Alma Bank with Bill Wolcott, President, and Kelly Herold as Treasurer and seconded by Sandy with unanimous approval by membership and motion carried. Bill and Kelly will also take over the PO Box for the Chamber at the Post Office.

Membership remains at 57. Jennifer and Merri Thornton will be the membership committee in charge of updating current membership and submitting requests for membership to the businesses. Jennifer is also currently updating the list to incorporate contact information and telephone numbers which will make communication via texting easier. Facebook administrator remains open. Kathy will follow-up with Cheri Bunker how to change administrators.

Web Page: Bill contacted Corey to clarify the cost. This year the cost increased to accommodate renewal of several domains created by past president Clive Pace. Motion to pay Corey $900 for the year 2024 to provide the same service we currently have by Jennifer and seconded by Lori and motion carried. The membership expressed interest in improvements to the website. We will at a future meeting make a list of what we’d like to have changed to the site and submit that to Corey to see if he’s able to provide those changes.

Bylaws review and modifying will be tabled. Bill has reviewed them somewhat and is aware of WI State Statues requirements so this will be a future endeavor.

Christkindle Shop Hop update given by Sheila. There are 17 businesses involved with dates 11/18 &25th and12/2/23 from 10am to 3pm. Flyers are done and delivered with written instructions. There will be a drawing for 2 baskets on 12/3/23 using the red cards provided by Sheila after they have been successfully stamped at all businesses to be valid for the drawing. The cards can be turned in at Water Lily or by texting Sheila to pick them up. The chamber will get an ad in the paper and Sheila has posted on FB and The River List for social media advertising.

Christmas House Walk is being organized by Sarah Ries with current FB flyer shared. Bill will contact Sarah regarding an ad for the House Walk and possible newspaper article highlighting homes.

Gingerbread House contest organized by WOA and houses viewed at WOA from 12/1-9. Voting will be done from 12/1-12/3/23 and prizes will be awarded for adults and children’s categories. WOA is requesting the chamber to provide 3 Alma Bucks in denomination of $25-15-10 for the adult prizes. Motion made to donate the aforesaid Alma Bucks to WOA by Jennifer and seconded by Sandy and membership approved. Kathy will contact Corey to have the Alma Bucks made.

Ladies Night Out on 11/28/23 is being organized by Stacy from the Dejavu Salon. FB post shared with businesses participating.

Advertising for these holiday activities will be created with a deadline by 11/22/23 noted by Lori. Jennifer will create a combined ad to be posted on FB. The Chamber will provide an ad with all activities listed. Payment will be submitted to the City of Alma Tourism committee and if payment is denied it will be a shared cost with those businesses yet to be contacted.

Jennifer suggested that we have a social event in January for businesses and members to gather and then we could get memberships perhaps earlier than in past years. Further discussion and date to be planned at the December meeting.

Meeting moved to adjourn by Sandy and seconded by Jennifer at 6:55pm.

Next Membership Meeting 12/12/23
Next Board Meeting 12/5/23.

Addendum 11/15/23 at 3pm Dave Schams resigned from our Chamber of Alma Board of Directors. This will then give Bill Wolcott and Kelly Herold board approval as agreed at the member meeting to have signature card updated at Alma Bank and also for access to the Post Office Box.

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Member Meeting Minutes
October 17, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

The meeting was called to order by President Dave Schams at 5:30pm. Members present were Larry Farl, Sandy Rehse, Bill Wolcott, Sandy Schams, Greg Scheeter, Jennifer Griffith, Merri Thornton, Lori McCammon, Sarah Ries, Laura Toone. Members via Zoom were Kathy Jepsen, Stacy Lewellyn, Heidi Berry. Quorum achieved for this meeting.

The secretary’s report from 9/28/22 was emailed by Dave and moved to accept the minutes by Larry then seconded by Greg and approved by members.

Treasurer report presented by Dave. The current checking is $4545.08. The only outstanding bill is for advertising for Sidewalk Insanity to Winona’s paper not yet received.

Current membership is 56. All members are encouraged to encourage chamber membership in the community. Reminder that any new membership cost of $50 will also cover 2024.

Board of Directors Election: Current members are Kathy, Dave, Sandy Rehse and Larry. We have 2 positions to fill as well as up for reelection are Dave and Sandy R. with Larry choosing to resign. Names offered for nominations included Travis Walker, Bill Wolcott, Merri Thornton & Jennifer Griffith. Dave and Sandy R. were renominated and Bill, Jennifer & Merri newly nominated. Ballots were tabulated with Larry receiving 1 vote, Travis 2 votes but Merri, Jennifer & Bill received most votes as well as Dave and Sandy reelected. So, the current board consists of Dave, Sandy Rehse, Kathy, Bill, Jennifer and Merri. We are now in compliance with our bylaws.

Bylaws revision was suggested in the past to incorporate annual membership fees for a member having more than 1 business to be at a lower cost and that member would have more voting ability at meetings. However, it was decided to have the verbiage of the proposal developed and presented at the member meeting in November for approval. The motion to table this by-law proposal was made by Jennifer and seconded by Laura and approved by the membership.

Christmas House walk initially was cancelled due to lack of committee members to organize it for 2023. However, the membership had a discussion and desire to revisit this with cochairs decided to be Merri and Sarah and Sandy Schams will assist them with information of how past events have been organized. This would be a chamber fundraiser. Motion made by Sandy Rehse and seconded by Larry and approved by the membership.

Kris Kindle Market is chaired by Sheila Huber. Businesses should contact her with questions. More information to come with the November meeting. Pumpkin Carving Contest is October 25th from 4-6pm drop off at Wings with categories of adult and under 16yrs. Then October 28th at 3pm judging will happen with prizes awarded by WOA. The Annual Gingerbread Contest will be held with more information to come.

The chamber newsletter discussed and with the last meeting a synopsis of that meeting was sent by Jennifer which many appreciated because secretary minutes can’t be posted until approved by the membership. Jennifer agreed to do this again for this meeting, and we will continue to trial this way of communicating with the membership in a timelier manner.

Sandy Rehse presented the new physical area in the WOA first room that has all Chamber related information and the signage created to bring better attention to it for visitors. Membership encouraged to bring pamphlets or cards to display here.

New Business: Sarah suggested having a prorated membership dues for individuals, families and nonbusiness of the community to join the chamber. This will be tabled for the November meeting.

Thank you to Heidi for arranging the link to make the meeting Zoom friendly. She will continue to do this for future meetings. The meeting motioned to adjourn at 6:37pm by Larry and seconded by Merri and approved.

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Member Meeting Minutes
September 19, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
August 21, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
July 18, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Meeting called to order by President Dave Schams at 5:27pm. Members present include Cheri Bunker, Sandy Schams, Sandy Rehse, Greg Scheeter, Lori McCammon, Stacy Lewellyn, Dana Bolwerk, Kathy Jepsen and Jennifer Griffith.

Secretary’s reports from 5/16/23, 5/20/23 and 6/20/23 all reviewed and approved. Motions made by Lori and seconded by Jennifer and motion carried.

Treasurer’s report presented by Dave with total income year to date was $2630 and total expense year to date of $635.20 for a balance of $1994.80. Current Checkbook balance is $4720.08.
Motion to approve by Lori and seconded by Jennifer, motion carried and treasurer report approved.

Current membership is 53 with 10 required for a quorum.

Facebook/web page committee of Cheri reported all events/activities continuing to post on FB, The River List and in newspapers as needed. The Beautiful Buffalo County Tourism Committee continues to meet monthly and remains in early stages of development and will meet again 7/18/23 at WOA at 1pm with all invited to attend.

Old Business: Bylaws should be updated regarding membership and voting to be presented at annual meeting October 17th at 5:15pm. Also for annual meeting the bylaws should be amended requiring 5 board members which we currently have but bylaws state 6.

Web page report from Alma Tourism Committee on agenda to be reported by Larry Farl but he isn’t present.

New Business: Dairyland Power Community Service presented by Dana Bolwerk. Dairyland is looking for ideas for their October 4th project of service done by their employees. October is National Co-op Month and this will be their first annual event. Ideas offered by the group were clean-up of the Mossy Hollow Trail, painting and clean up at Buena vista restrooms and shelter, Buena Vista clean up of grown trees/vegetation down bluff (this would need to be presented to Alma’s Park/Rec committee and contact info given to Dana), the cities south dock is lopsided and could use some maintenance and elderly members of community who need assist in maintenance of yards.

Lock/Dam Tour July 29th discussed possible merchant ideas to encourage the visitors to patronize downtown area. WOA has Raptor presentation that day at 1pm.

Sidewalk Insanity 9/9/23 discussed and ways to attract to businesses and will be further discussed with August meeting. Dave will email businesses to increase business hours that day perhaps.

The meeting was motioned to adjourn at 6:15pm by Cheri and seconded by Sandy, motion carried.

Next board meeting 8/3/23 at 9:15am at WOA.
Next member meeting 8/15/23 at 5:15pm at WOA.

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Member Meeting Minutes
June 20, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
Members present were Bill Wolcott, Stacy Lewellyn, Jennifer Griffith, Vicky Schultz, Sandy Rehse, Cheri Bunker and Kathy Jepsen. Quorum of 10 not met this meeting.

Call to Order:
Meeting called to order at 5:19pm by Cheri Bunker in President Dave Schams’ absence.

Secretary’s report read and correction noted that Bill Wolcott not the museum matched with his personal donation the Chamber’s $50 for the first prize to total $100 Alma Bucks in the Search for the Grail contest. Notes will be amended but can’t be approved this meeting.

Treasurer’s report not available this meeting.

Membership is up but we don’t have an exact count for today’s meeting.

Discussion was then led by Bill regarding how the Fire in the Shire went. From the museum’s viewpoint they had about 900-1000 people at the museum and outside for activities there and including volunteers. Channel 8 and the Winona Post interviewed him also so it was a successful event. Downtown the actors did circulate and the Belly Dancers were a success. The Ice Cream Truck it was felt was negative competition to 2 of our local businesses and the 4H groups Root Beer Float business. For the Holy Grail contest 40 people returned the cards for the drawing. Jackie Baier won 1st place, Bethany Parsons second and Letica Blommel third. Total businesses participating were 12. Then discussion for next year with the date to be determined around Chippewa Falls Renaissance Festival so we don’t compete. Perhaps next year the Chamber could consider paying for some entertainment on main street. Ideas offered were to have the actors at the museum come downtown as well. The Actors Guild and belly dancers are free.

Our next discussion was around the “special meeting” to discuss combining of the websites. Wings is stable this year for theirs but may need a new future web builder. Chamber wants to maintain control of their site and some members are interested in just having a combined site to make it simpler for visitors accessing information about Alma. Dan Kodiak is pursuing other web builders. So we are currently on hold with this until Tourism offers something to replace our current ones. If Chamber stays separate the members still would like a better appearing site than what we currently have. Also the idea of Tourism paying for a single site is appealing to all. Also stated that the website should promote all of Alma with links to the Chamber and WOA.

New business included mention of the Lock/Dam tour July 29th 10am-2pm with a Raptor presentation at Wings at 1pm. The garden tour by Enhance Alma is July 22 10am-2pm. September has Sidewalk Insanity and thoughts presented to get fall activities to dress up the city streets with more to come.

Close of Meeting:
Meeting adjourned at 6:25pm

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Member Meeting Minutes
May 16, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
April 18, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
March 21, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
February 21, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
• Jennifer Griffith
• Bill Wolcott
• Vicki Schultz
• Kathy Jepsen
• Cheri Bunker

Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order 02/21/22 at 5:15pm by Dave Schams.

Secretary's Report:
Minutes from September, October, November, December 2022 and January ’23 all discussed with motion to approve and seconded and carried. Cheri will get to Corey to publish on web page. This is the first we have had a quorum to get these approved.

Treasurer's Report:
Proposed budget for 2023 presented to the membership by Dave and motion to approve/seconded/motion carried. Profit/Loss and checking balance presented motion to approve/second/motion carried.

Committee Reports:
Membership currently is 18 with 4 needed for a quorum. Continued need to increase membership from all. Facebook Committee: Cheri reported no changes. Discussion of possibly acquiring additional funding through grants and using the city Tourism Committtee.

Unfinished Business:
None presented.

New Business:
Fire in the Shire will occur this year on Saturday June 3rd, same date as the Fresh Art Tour. The Castle will be the main event. Chamber will advertise for all going on that day once planned. Discussion regarding past events usually held that day to attract customers to come down to shops on Main St. Spring Fling held at Alma Schools is March 25th. 100 mile garage sales is May 4-6th. Bylaws revision: Discussion to promote more members with multiple businesses to get additional businesses at 50% off or with membership you receive 1 vote and then a ½ vote with additional businesses. Membership to ponder and discuss with March meeting. WOA requesting business emails for reaching more members for their membership. Discussion from the group felt that if WOA would go through Dave to submit those request for membership letters would be a better way to handle this.

Close of Meeting:
Meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.

Respectfully submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Next board meeting would be 3/2/23 9am at WOA.
Next membership meeting will be 3/21/23 5:15pm at WOA.

Member Meeting Minutes
January 17, 2023 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
December 19, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

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Member Meeting Minutes
November 16, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Directors Present:
• Cheri Bunker
• Sandy Rehse
• Dave Schamsbr

Directors Absent:
• Larry Farl
• Kathy Jepsen

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
• Vicki Shultz
• Sheila Huber
• Pete Burckhard
• Donna & Bryce Kimmes

Call to Order: 5:15PM
The meeting was called to order 11/16/22 at 5:16pm by President Dave Schams

Quorum not reached:
Quorum not reached to approve last months minutes.

Announcements & Introductions:

Secretary’s Report:
Quorum not reached to approve the last months minutes nor the corrections of the previous month. One correction for October minutes for Christkindl.

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Larry Farl absent. Dave Schams gave report. As of November 16, 2022 total liabilities and equities $2,512.68. Income from dues $2,713.00. $50.00 received from Walkers Silver Moon and 2023 dues from DrumIt Up not listed in todays total.

Committee Reports:

Larry Farl absent.

58 members to date.

Cheri Bunker. Ongoing posts from member businesses on to Chamber Facebook page and posting in good faith for some of the businesses that have not joined hoping they will join the chamber.

Unfinished Business:

No information.

Update on ADRC Training:
Four people attended training.

Christmas Walk:
3:00 to 7:00pm. Participants for the Christmas Walk Kurt and Tina Fies, Vonda Wurtzburger and Donna and Bryce Kimmes FunStay Air bnb. Pre tickets to be purchased for $10.00 at Water Lily, WOA, Bautch Insurance and on the day of the walk tickets can be purchased only at Kelly’s Komputers until 7:00pm. Two volunteers still needed. Vicki will put the signs out.

Shop keeper Window Decorating Contest:
Cheri has passed out info to shops and will pass out ballot boxes and ballots to participating stores. Voting will stop Friday December 2 and boxes picked up. Winner will be announced at 3:30 \pm at the Gingerbread contest winner announcement at Wings. Winner will receive a certificate of recognition.

Shop Hop will start Saturday November 19 and end December 3 with a drawing for a merchant basket. Cheri will get colored flyers printed for Sheila to pass out.

Gingerbread House Contest:
Decorated houses will be dropped off at Wings on Wednesday, November 30, 2022 between 4:00pm to 6:00pm and will be on display for voting December 1-3. Winners will be announced on December 3, 2022 at 3:30pm. Alma bucks of $25, $15. And $10. Will be given for prizes for adults and Wings will donate three children’s prizes. Houses to be picked up on December 8, 2022.

New & Other Business:

Students from Alma School will Carol for an hour at 2:00pm and be at Main and Orange Street and be using the electricity for the keyboard. Chamber will donate a $50.00 stipend.

Small Business Saturday:
Saturday, November 26, 2022

St. John’s Church:
Christmas bazaar to take place on Dec 3 with raffle, crafts, lunch, silent auction.

Close of Meeting:
Motion by Schams / Bunker to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:03pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri BunkeR
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Thursday December 1, 2022 @ 9:15am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Tuesday, December 20, 2022 @ 5:15pm
With suggestion to have the meeting with social hour at Walkers Silver Moon for pizza at 5:15pm.
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Directors Present:
• Cheri Bunker
• Sandy Rehse

Directors Absent:
• Larry Farl
• Dave Schams
• Kathy Jepsen

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
• Vicki Shultz
• Sheila Huber
• Pete Burckhard

Call to Order: 5:15PM
The meeting was called to order 10/19/22 at 5:20pm by President Cheri Bunker

Quorum not reached:
Quorum not reached to approve last months minutes.

Announcements & Introductions:
President and Secretary both absent.

Secretary’s Report:
Quorum not reached to approve the last months minutes nor the corrections of the previous month. Minutes from September read by Cheri Bunker

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer Larry Farl absent.

Committee Reports:

Larry Farl absent.

Dave Schams absent.

Cheri Bunker - Ongoing posts from member businesses on to Chamber Facebook page and posting in good faith for some of the businesses that have not joined hoping they will join the chamber.

Unfinished Business:

No information.

Update on ADRC Training:
Four people attended training.

Christmas Walk:
Sandy S and Vicky S working on this and have a list of potential participants. Donna Kimmes has agreed to be a part of it and Vonda. Times for the Christmas Walk will be 3:00 to 7:00pm on December 3 and tickets $10.00. There are also a few volunteers that will sit at the houses taking and selling tickets and helping to put out signs.

Shop keeper Window Decorating Contest:
Cheri will take care of this and pass information and ballot boxes to participating stores. Winner will be announced on December 3.

Election of Officers:
No changes until all board members back. One board member still needed.

New & Other Business:

Shiela Huber of Alma Garden Gate heading up Christkindl event and will get a flyer made up and contact businesses to participate in the basket giveaway. It will take place on three weekends. November 19 & 25, 26 and December 3. Sheila also told the group about another place to advertise for free. The river List. Separate Facebook posts will be created for the Christmas events.

St. John’s Church
Christmas bazaar to take place on December 3 with raffle, crafts, lunch, silent auction.

Annual Membership Meeting:
Meeting switched to the 28th of September as Wings Over Alma needed to have their annual membership meeting the third Wednesday of the month according to their Bylaws.

Close of Meeting:
Motion by Schams / Bunker to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:02pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri BunkeR
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Thursday November 3, 2022 @ 9:15am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, November 16, 2022 @ 5:15pm
ANNUAL Meeting Minutes
September 28, 2023 - 5:30PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

• Vicki Schulz
• Sandy Rehse
• Kathy Jepsen
• Lori McCammon
• Jennifer Griffith
• Tim Wallerich
• Sheila Huber
• Bill (General Store)
• Larry Farl
• Cheri Bunker

Call to Order:
Quorum reached for approving motions.

Announcements & Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Presented by Cheri Bunker from May through September 2022. The only corrections were total members in August was 59 not 57 and to be corrected by Cheri. All other minutes read and approved and seconded and carried. Dave Balcom resigned as secretary.

Treasurer's Report:
Presented by Dave with current balance in checking about $2500. Carrie at The Boutique was reimbursed $40 for Alma Bucks from Sidewalk Insanity. Larry Farl motioned approval, seconded by Sandy Rehse and carried. Of note is if businesses not currently members of the chamber sign up and pay dues after 9/1/22 that will cover through 2023 membership.

Membership Reports:
Dave Schams reports no change from last month.

Election of Board Members:
Some discussion over how many available board seats needed with past practice of 3 nominations each year. Dave felt Carrie at The Boutique might be interested and so nominated, Lori seconded. However with discussion actually with Carrie she isn’t at this time interested in being on the board but wants to be a member. Further discussion will be done at next Board Meeting in October. Kathy Jepsen was nominated to be secretary, seconded and approved so carried.

Committee Reports:
Membership is currently 59 and renewal is January 2023. Facebook Committee is managed by Cheri who advertises all coming events for the community and also creates a paper copy of events housed at WOA desk.

Old Business:
Website is up for payment of $780 annual fee an $50 monthly. Motioned to continue with Corey Scholl by Larry and seconded by Jennifer. Payment will be made by treasurer Larry Farl.

New Business:
Krist Krindle Christmas Market information presented by Sheila Huber. She will comprise a list of Vendors/shops interested. Dates chosen were 11/19/22, 11/25 & 26/22 and 12/3/22 from 10am-3pm. Cards listing vendors/shops participating will be given out and a drawing for a basket of prizes from vendors/participants will be done after the market. To get into the drawing to win the customers must visit each vendor/shop and get their card initialled. The Chamber will provide Sheila with a list businesses that are current chamber members. Sheila is nominated to be chairman by Dave, seconded by Larry and motion approved and carried. Advertisement will be via social media by Cheri and Sheila. Motion also made to advertise in paper by Cheri, seconded by Lori , approved and carried. Christmas House Walk: Committee chairs are Vicki and Sandy Schams. Donna Kimmes of FunStay accepted to be in it. The rest are yet to be confirmed. This will be on 12/3/22 with cost to be determined. ADRC: will be presenting to the public information on assisting Alzheimer and dementia customers on 10/12/22 from 4-6pm at WOA. Contact person is Katrina from Buffalo County. Halloween: The only event planned at this time is at Purely Poultry/Chicken Store 312 S Main St from 3-6pm 10/31/22. They will feature the Sanderson Sisters from Hocus Pocus. Jennifer brought forward a suggestion to investigate getting an electric car charging station in town.

Close of Meeting:
Meeting adjourned at 6:20pm.

Submitted by,
Kathy Jepsen

Next Board Meeting is 10/6/22 at 9:15am at WOA.
Member Meeting Minutes
August 17, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Directors Present:
• Dave Schams
• Cheri Bunker
• Sandy Rehse

Directors Absent:
• Larry Farl
• Dave Balcom
• Kathy Jepsen

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
• Vicki Shultz
• Lori McCammon
• Pete Burkhard
• Ruida Hewitt

Call to Order: 5:15PM
The meeting was called to order 8/17/22 at 5:20pm by Dave Schams.

Quorum not reached:
Quorum reached 9/28/22 and minutes approved.

Announcements & Introductions:
Guest Ruida Hewitt attending meeting.

Secretary's Report:
Quorum not reached to approve the last months minutes nor the corrections of the previous month. Minutes from April, May and August to be approved at next meeting when a quorum is sufficient. There was no meeting in July.

Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Larry Farl absent. Dave Schams presented profit and loss and net amount in account of $1618.76 and balance sheet total liabilities and equity $3,472.65 to date.

Larry Farl absent.

Dave Schams. Total of 59 members to date.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker. Ongoing posts from member businesses on to Chamber Facebook page and posting in good faith for some of the businesses that have not joined hoping they will join the chamber.

Unfinished Business:

Enhance Alma Garden Tour/Dam Tour:
Enhance Alma made a little over $800.00 on their tour. The dam tour brought many people into town for shopping.

Sidewalk Insanity:
September 10, 2022: Sandy S checked on advertising. Lori McCammon will get a colored ad in the paper. The Chamber previously had talked about holding Sidewalk Insanity the weekend that Swiss Days is usually held since it won’t be held this year in conjunction with the dam tour but the board voted against it due to the cost of changing the signs.

ADRC Training for Merchants:
October 12 at 5:00pm at Wngs Over Alma. Public invited. Cheri will see if Katrina from ADRC can put a notice in the paper. Cheri will put out a sign up sheet when it gets closer.

New Business:

Shiela Huber of Alma Garden Gate heading up Kris Kringle event and will fill the members in on information at the next meeting. It will take place on three weekends. November 18, 19 and 25, 26 and December 2 and 3.

Bike Trail:
Favorable meeting with the Buffalo County Finance Committee. Bike Trail will not be on the referendum for a vote as whether to keep building the bike trail and will continue to proceed with development.

Annual Membership Meeting:
Meeting switched to September 28, 2022 as Wings Over Alma needed to have their annual membership meeting the third Wednesday of the month according to their Bylaws.

Close of Meeting:
Motion by Schams / Bunker to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:26pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri BunkeR
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, September 1, @ 9:15am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, September 28, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Annual meeting with snacks and refreshments
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
July 20, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

No Meeting

Member Meeting Minutes
June 15, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Directors Present:
• Dave Schams
• Cheri Bunker
• Sandy Rehse

Directors Absent:
• Larry Farl
• Dave Balcom

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
• Vicki Shultz
• Lori McCammon
• Bill Wollet
• Kathy Jepsen

Call to Order: 5:15pm
The meeting was called to order at 5:30pm 6/15/22 by Dave Schams.

Quorum not reached:
Quorum reached at annual membership meeting September 28, 2022 and approved as stated in September minutes.

Announcements And Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Quorum not reached to approve the last months minutes nor the corrections of the previous month. Minutes from April and May to be approved at next meeting when a quorum is sufficient.

Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Larry Farl absent. Dave Schams presented profit and loss and net amount in account of $1945.82.

Larry Farl absent.

Dave Schams. Total of 56 members to date.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker. Ongoing posts from member businesses on to Chamber Facebook page.

Old Business:
Shannon Mock removed from board due to lack of attendance. Kathy Jepsen will take her place and approved by Dave Schams.

New & Other Business:

Shiela Huber of Alma Garden Gate heading up Kriskringle event and will fill the members in on information at a later date.

Sidewalk Insanity:
The dam will have their tour on July 30th which will bring many people to town. Sidewalk Insanity will take place that weekend instead of September after the dam tour is confirmed. We will see if we can change dates on the banners.

Christmas Walk:
Sandy Schams and Vickie Schultz finding houses for the Christmas Walk.

Close of Meeting:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:11pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri BunkeR
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Wednesday, July 6, @ 9:15am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, July 20, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
May 18, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Directors Present:
• Dave Schams • Cheri Bunker
• Vicki Schultz
• Lori McCammon
• Kathy Jepsen

Call to Order: 5:15pm
The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm 5/15/22 by Dave Schams.

Quorum not reached:
Quorum reached at annual meeting and approved September 28,2022 as noted in the September minutes.

Announcements And Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Presented by Dave Schams. Corrections in the minutes as follows. Motion to approve last minutes Larry Farl and seconded by Lori McCammon. Motion to adjourn By Sandy Schams and seconded by Lori McCammon. Minutes to be corrected and approved at next membership meeting June 15, 2022

Treasurer's Report:
Dave Schams. As of May 18, 2022 account balance $3,749.71. Approval at next meeting.

Not available.

Dave Schams provided lists of current and unpaid members. We now have 54 members. Suggestion made to use PayPal or some other payment system for dues.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker posting for businesses when new posts become available from members.

Unfinished Business:
100 mile Garage Sale. Cheri Bunker reported on Scavenger Hunt and winners.

New Business:

Christmas Walk:
To be handled by Sandy Schams and Vicki Schultz and already working on it.

Sidewalk Insanity:
Possibility of Sidewalk Insanity being held in place of Swiss Days if the dam is giving tours

Scavenger Hunt:
Cheri Bunker will submit article to Buffalo Co News about the Scavenger hunt winners

Close of Meeting:
The meeting was adjourned at 6:01pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri BunkeR
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Wednesday, June 1, @ 9:00am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, June 15, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
April 20, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm by President Dave Schams.

Announcements & Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Secretary’s report was presented by Dave Balcom. Motion by Farl / Bunker to approve. Carried.

Treasurer's Report:
Dave Schams presented the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss year to date. Motion by Farl/Bunker to approve. Motion carried.

Dave Schams reported that we still have quite a few businesses that have not yet paid their dues for 2022. He distributed a list on the unpaid members and encouraged everyone to remind these people.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker has been posting for businesses when new posts become available from members.

Unfinished Business:
100 Mile Garage Sale: Members discussed plans for the 100 Mile Garage Sale. Laurie McCammon is heading up the advertising for the project.

Scavenger Hunt: Motion to hold a scavenger hunt in conjunction with the garage sale by Bunker / Farl. The Hunt will be focused on photos on display at various business locations during the garage sale weekend. Visitors will be able to log the locations on their entry forms and turn them in at Wings Over Alma / Chamber office. There will be a drawing at 4:00pm on Saturday for 3 winners of “Alma Bucks” for $25,00, $15.00, and $10.00 respectively which can be used at any Alma Area Chamber member business.

New Business:
Swiss Heritage Days: This event is usually held on the final weekend in July with Dan Kordiak as the main event planner. However, Dan hasn’t said anything so that event is probably not happening this year.

Bird City Events: Alma is recognized as a “Bird City” and the entire month of May brings birders from far and wide to watch the feathered display here daily. Wings Over Alma has the Birding Train going the same weekend as the 100 Mile Garage Sale and is planning to host a birdhouse building workshop.

Close of Meeting:
Motion by Schams / Bunker to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Dave Balcom

Next Board Meeting:
Wednesday, May 4 @ 9:00am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, May 18, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
March 16, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
The meeting was called to order at 5:15pm by President Dave Schams.

Announcements And Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Secretary’s report unavailable

Treasurer's Report:
Dave Schams presented the Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss year to date, showing a current balance of $2,536.71. Motion by Farl/Bunker to approve. Motion carried.

Dave Schams reported that we still have quite a few businesses that have not yet paid their dues for 2022. He distributed a list on the unpaid members and encouraged everyone to remind these people.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker has been posting for businesses when new posts become available from members.

Unfinished Business:
Advertising: We need to look at placing ads in the shopper to advertise the garage sales and scavenger hunt. Scavenger Hunt: Jennifer G is working on creating a scavenger hunt. She will contact member merchants to participate. Alma Bucks to be given out to three winners in the scavenger hunt for $25, $15, and $10. The Alma Bucks will only be redeemable at member businesses.

New Business:
Swiss Heritage Days: Unknown at this time if this event will take place. Bird City Events: Sandy Rehse said Wings Over Alma would like some sort of assistance with events but not sure of what may be needed yet.

Close of Meeting:
Motion by Schams / Bunker to adjourn. The meeting was adjourned at 6:15pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri Bunker
Vice President
Secretary Pro-tem

Next Board Meeting:
Friday, April 1 @ 9:00am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, April 20, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
Meeting was called to order on February 16, 2022 at 5:15 by President Dave Schams.

• David Schams
• Cheri Bunker
• Dave Schams
• Dave Balcom
• Sandy Schams
• Kathy Jepsen
• Jennifer Griffith
• Larry Farl

Announcements And Introductions:

Secretary's Report:
Read by Cheri Bunker. No additions or corrections. Motion to approve Minutes.

Treasurer's Report:
Treasurer Shannon Mock absent. Report given by Dave Schams. Ending balance $2,161.71.

Budget Committee:
Shannon Mock absent.

Dave Schams stated 27 members have paid to date. New member welcome, window stickers still under debate. Previously Shannon Mock stated her business would pay for the stickers.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker reports that many posts for businesses that are posting are being put on the Chamber Facebook page and encouraged members to join the page.

Unfinished Business:
100 mile garage sale: We need to get an ad in the paper for the sale and could possibly spend up to $400.00 for advertising. We should be putting 3 ads in leading up to the garage sale. At approximately $108.00 per ad in the Shopper.

New Business:

Close of Meeting:
6:10pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri Bunker
Vice President

Next Board Meeting:
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
January 19, 2022 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
Announcements, Introductions & Additions to Agenda.
There being insufficient general members to form a quorum, but sufficient Board members to form a Board quorum, the meeting went ahead as scheduled.

Board Members Present:
• David Schams
• Cheri Bunker

Members Present:
• Vicky Schultz
• Sandy Schams
• Lori McCammon
• Jennifer Griffith

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer not present. Chamber books were received by Dave Schams from Clive Pace. Corey Scholl has been paid for 2022 and the publishing bill from Alma Christmas events paid in full. Dave Schams is able to sign on account and went to the Alma bank to have two signers put on account. Balance on account not available.

Committee Reports:
Budget Committee: Shannon Mock/Dave Balcom not present

Dave Schams/Shannon Mock - 18 businesses paid dues for 2022 to date.

Facebook Committee:
Cheri Bunker - Facebook page has three administrators: Corey Scholl, Cheri Bunker and Shannon Mock. We will start to add photos on to the Facebook page instead of block style posts.

New and Other Business:
Cheri Bunker - Facebook page has three administrators: Corey Scholl, Cheri Bunker and Shannon Mock. We will start to add photos on to the Facebook page instead of block style posts.

Alma Bucks:
Cheri Bunker will have Corey add to Alma Bucks a note stating where the merchant should send the coupon to get reimbursement. Merchants having difficulty knowing where to send the Alma bucks for reimbursement per Dave Schams. Budget: No information from committee

100 Mile Garage Sale:
May 6-8, 2022 - Discussion on how we can bring more people into town and how to advertise with out it being so costly. Suggestion to put article in the Buffalo and Wabasha papers by Lori McCammon. Suggestion by Sandy Schams on having a scavenger hunt in town and to be sponsored by the chamber. Cheri Bunker volunteered to head the scavenger hunt committee. Suggestion made to ask businesses to let people sell garage sale items out front of their business if they are not going to use their sidewalk during this time. Dave can send out mass emails

New Business:
Budget and Membership - Jennifer inquired if there were any incentives for members to participate and volunteer their time. There is not at this time. Dues are suppose to be paid with in 90 days of the New Year and only 18 businesses have paid to date. Possibility of raising dues but will not take place until 2023.

Christmas Market:
Jennifer working with the City of Alma on a Christmas Outdoor European Market in the vacant lot across from the Library on Main Street. City not sure what they are doing with the lot yet. Jennifer volunteered to head the Christmas market committee.

Close of Meeting:
5:50pm - Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Cheri Bunker
Vice President

Next Board Meeting:
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, February 16, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2021 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
Announcements, Introductions & Additions to Agenda.

Board Members Present:
• David Schams
• Cheri Bunker
• Shannon Mock
• Marla McMahon
• Sandy Rehse
• David Balcom

Members Present:
• Holly Papenfus
• Marla McMahon
• Shannon Livingston
• David Balcom
• Kathy Jepsen
• Cheri Bunker
• Sandy Rehse
• David Schams
• Vicky Schultz
• Sandy Schams

Old Business:
1. Secretary's report was read and approved.
2. Treasure's report will be read at a later date as Clive Pace was not available for a meeting.
3. Restructure of Price Structuring for members and offering more for incentive was introduced by Shannon Mock. It was decided that a committee will research the proposal and findings will be brought to the next meeting. The committee will be David Schams and David Balcom. and Shannon Mock. The same committee will work to improve membership with Window Clings, certificates, and perhaps a welcome basket.
4. Chamber will reimburse Merchants for the Alma Bucks. Alma bucks may only be spent at members establishments.
5. Next year we want pictures in the website. Something more inviting to see to bring people to Alma for the Christmas Events.
6. Next year we will give gifts to the people who open their businesses and homes to the Christmas Walk.
7. Shannon Mock and David Balcom are the budgeting committee.
8. A committee was formed to research the Facebook Account. We all agree it is our Facebook and we should be able to put more of what we want in it to make it more appealing instead of a boring read. However, we all agree that it does need some monitoring.

Close of Meeting:
Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Marla Jo McMahon

Next Board Meeting:
Friday, January 11, 2022 @ 9:00am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, January 19, 2022 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
Member Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2021 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Waiting to Archive...
Member Meeting Minutes
October 20, 2021 - 5:15PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Call to Order: 5:15PM
Announcements, Introductions & Additions to Agenda.
There being insufficient general members to form a quorum, but sufficient Board members to form a Board quorum, the meeting went ahead as scheduled.

Treasurer’s Report:
Balance in Bank as of 10/15/2021 $2707.53

Welcome and thank you to all who have volunteered to be Board Members through 2022-2023.


Christmas Market
Since no further input from member sponsoring this event, it will be tabled until next year.

Christmas House Walk
It was decided that a “Window dressing” competition for the best dressed window/shop, to be held on the same day as the Christmas Walk on December 4, 2021. Judging to be done by visitors to the shops, who will also be entered into a drawing for having voted. We would encourage all shops to consider participation and could also do with ideas and donations for the prizes to be awarded. Cheri Bunker will coordinate a "Gingerbread House" competition to be run on the same day (with a prize). This will be held in Wings Over Alma. The Chamber will support some advertising and Shannon Mock will create a flyer. We will ask tourism Board if any help available for this event too. Please, if you know anyone (household or shop) that might like to open their house for this fundraiser (the Christmas Walk), ask them if they are interested, or let me know so that we can contact them. We also need volunteers to be greeters at the houses/shops and please let me know if you would be interested in helping with organizing the event. We can do with all the help we can get.

Water Lilly
We hold their annual "Open House" on the second weekend in November.

Purely Poultry/Eggs Etc.
The will also hold an "Open House" in support. All other local businesses are encouraged to follow suit and make the most of that event.


Purely Poultry/Eggs Etc
Shannon Mock will be open on Halloween for "Trick or Treaters" from 3:30 to 6:30PM and again, we would encourage all businesses to consider doing the same. We would like to develop this into something bigger for future years and would welcome members who are interested, to form a committee to make this happen.

Welcome Package
The Board will be working on creating a "Welcome Package" for new members and possibly all new businesses locating in Alma. We need member input as to what we would like to include (other than a membership list and resources, which the Board will put together). Since membership dues are barely enough to cover annual expenses, any donations, or ideas for inexpensive gift items would be greatly appreciated. Possibly some coupons offering some sort of purchase discount to new businesses?

The Board will also be working on developing a plaque or certificate for ALL member businesses for display. Due to costs involved, Shannon Mock (Poultry Etc.) has graciously offered to supplement this effort – within reason. Member ideas and suggestions are requested.


The Board will work on creating a directory of members offering lodging.

Art and Soul
Gail expressed her pleasure with the work done by Corey Scholl (web administrator) on developing a brand and flyer for her and recommended that we ask him to provide ideas and costs, to develop a "Member Benefit" flyer for Chamber distribution.

Close of meeting: 6:50pm

Thank you all for your support.

Submitted by,
Marla McMahon

Next Board Meeting:
Thursday, November 4, 2021 @ 10:00am
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, November 17, 2021 @ 5:15pm
Wings Over Alma/Chamber Office
AUGUST 18, 2021 - 5:30PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• Sandy Schams
  Water Lily Gifts

• Sandy Rhese
  Wings Over Alma

• Jennifer Griffith
  Burlington Hotel

• Cheri Bunker
  Drum IT Up

• Shannon Livingston Mock
  Purely Poultry Etc.

• Marla McMahon
  Purely Poultry Etc.

• Holly Papenfus
  Poultry Etc. (New Member)

• John Ambughl
  Wings Over Alma

• Kathy Jepson
  Enhance Alma

• Gail Pommeringen
  Art & Soul Gallery

• Clive Pace
  Guiding Light / Pacearms

The meeting was called to order. A quorum being established, the meeting was called to order at 5:15pm

Secretary’s Report:
Anne sends apologies as she cannot attend.

Treasurer's Report:
Current bank balance stands at $2174.18. Nothing further to report. Resolved that Treasures report be approved.

Membership Report:
Including membership received at the meeting, we now stand at 52 members.

Sidewalk Insanity:
It was resolved that this event is approved for September 11, 2021. Sandy (Water Lily) will get newspaper advertisements placed. Jennifer (Burlington Hotel) volunteered to arrange with Collins Plumbing, for banners to be placed at both ends of the city. She will also distribute posters when available. Gail (Art & Soul Gallery) said she will arrange with Sarah, to get posters printed and available ASAP. Cheri (Drum it up) volunteered to perform at various locations during the event. Many thanks to Sandy, Jennifer, Gail and Cheri (and Collins Plumbing), for your generous offers to help. Budget – Approved for not more than $1200 without further discussion.

Christmas Market:
Jennifer presented her thoughts on this proposed two-day event, for the 1st or 2nd week in December. All agreed that this sounds like a great idea and are eager to hear Jennifer’s detailed proposal at the next meeting.

Christmas House Walk:
Lots of interest expressed in moving forward with this. Tabled to next meeting.

Annual General Meeting:
This will be held on Wednesday, September 22, 2021 at 5:15pm at Wings Over Alma. Please Note: All Board Positions are open (Currently 6), so if you have any interest in taking on the responsibility of either a Board member or an Officer, or would like to nominate someone for the position, please let us know ASAP. The Officers, (President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer), are appointed by the Board.

It was noted that the Art Festival still appears on the Chamber Web site – Clive will ask Corey to remove. Sandy (Wings Over Alma) invited all members to attend the 15th Annual meeting of Wings. Wednesday, September 15 at 6:00pm. Food and Refreshments will be served. If you are able, we would encourage all members to support this important Wings anniversary.

No Further Business:
There being no further business, it was resolved that the meeting be called to a close at 6:45pm

Submitted by,
Clive Pace
President/Treasurer/Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting:
Friday, September 03

Next Membership Meeting:
Wednesday, September 22
(Special Date)
July 21, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
June 16, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
May 19, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
APRIL 21, 2021 - 5:30PM
Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• Kathy Jepsen
• Anne Jost
• Sandy Rehse
• David Schams
• Sandy Schams
• Greg Scheeter

The meeting was called to order by Dave Schams. There were not enough members present to make a quorum so no voting on issues took place.

Treasurer's Report:
The Chamber’s balance after expenses is $1,500.18. The web site has been paid in full. Membership; 39 members are paid up and with two other potential members about to join, which will bring us to 41 members, leaving us plenty of potential for growth. Dave suggested we check our brochure rack at Wings for any potential new members and send letters encouraging them to join.

Fire in the Shire has been canceled for this year. Swiss Days is tentatively scheduled for July 30-31. Wings over Alma is offering a trail walk in Mossy Hollow on May 1st, with a presentation by Joe and Abbey Krumrie the raptor experts. Outside will be a book sale run by the Rita Magno our Alma Librarian with a rain date of May 8th. The hundred mile garage sale is scheduled for May 8th.

Corey Scholl, our website manager, is encouraging members to check their website and reminds us to use it to our advantage. Dave and Sandy Schams are looking for some help responding to frequent questions and queries sent to the Chamber website.

No Further Business:
The meeting was closed by Dave Schams. Members will be notified of the next monthly meeting, usually on the third Wednesday of the month at 5:15pm.

Submitted by,
Anne Jost
Next Board Meeting: Friday, May 07
Next Membership Meeting: Wednesday, May 19
MARCH 17, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
FEBRUARY 17, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
JANUARY 20, 2021 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
DECEMBER 16, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
NOVEMBER 18, 2020 - 5:30PM

Location: Online Zoom Meeting

Members Present:
• Anne Jost
• Rita Magnolia
• Dave Schams
• Sandy Schams

The meeting was called to order by Dave Schams.

So far 6 members have sign up for 2021. There were 4 renewals and two new members. The two new members are Boutique and Botanical and Christ Lutheran in Cochrane.

Secretary’s Report:
There was no motion to approve as quorum was not present this month. Added to the October minutes was that the $1,500 needed for the new website was also needed for rent.

Treasurer's Report:
The web site still needs to be paid for. Dave Schams estimated about $1,500 has needed but was not sure as out treasurer was not present at the meeting.

Unfinished business:
Dave suggested we take a look at the new web site. He also suggested members check out their individual page on the site. Dave also updated us on the Flyway bike trail. Phase one is complete and phase two has begun, which will hook up the trail coming up from Trempealeau County. Facebook has a fund raising site called Giving Tuesday and the fund raising for the Flyway phase two is on this site. If anyone wants to contribute, this site should tell you how. Presently $50,000 is needed and $1,031 has been raised. Rick Diermeier has offered to match up to $25,000. Due to Covid Chamber activities for the holidays have been canceled.

No Further Business:
The meeting was ended by Dave Schams.

Submitted by,
Anne Jost
Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting: CANCELED - Friday, December 04
Next Membership Meeting: CANCELED - Wednesday, December 16
OCTOBER 21, 2020 - 5:30PM

Waiting for notes...
SEPTEMBER 16, 2020 - 5:30PM

Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• Clive Pace
• Sandy Schams
• Larry Farl
• Ray Heckman
• Sandra Rhese
• Dave Balcom
• Bill Wolcott
• Rob Stewart
• Gail Pommerening

• Valerie Gilfillen
• Kathy Jepsen
• John and Bev Ambuhl – Alma Historical Society

There being a quorum present, the meeting continued to the Agenda items.

Secretary’s Report:
As the Secretary was not present and last meeting minutes are posted on the web site, minutes were considered read and since no comments having being received thereon, approved.

Treasurer's Report:
Current bank balance is $909.68.

Call For Nomination Of Board Members:
No nominations submitted.

Election And/Or Ratification Of Existing Board Members:
There being no new Board member nominations and all existing members accepting, a vote to ratify existing members for the next year was called – Unanimous approval. Accordingly, it is resolved, that the current Board and officers, will remain active through October 2021.

New Business:
John Ambuhl gave a presentation for the Alma Historical Society regarding their intent to publish a booklet detailing historic business buildings on Main Street, which could be used to promote a walking tour of the business district. It was agreed that it was a great idea and the Chamber offered assistance where needed.

No Further Business:
Motion to close the meeting proposed by Dave Balcom and seconded by Larry Farl. Meeting called to a close at 6:00pm.

Submitted by,
Clive Pace
President/Treasurer/Acting Secretary

Next Board Meeting: Friday, October 02
Next Membership Meeting: Wednesday, October 21
AUGUST 20, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
JULY 15, 2020 - 5:30PM

Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• Clive Pace – Guiding Light/Paceart
• David and Sandy Schams – Waterlily Gifts
• Larry Farl – Alma Leather
• Ray Heckman – Riverside Thrift

Secretary’s Report:
As the Secretary was not present and last meeting minutes are posted on the web site, minutes were considered read and since no comments having being received thereon, approved.

Treasurer's Report:
Current bank balance is $869.68.

Committee Report/Membership:
No new members since last and no known additional liabilities Currently, all fixed expenses for the year (web site and rent) have been paid and as far as is known, there are no amounts owing. Currently at 40 paid 2020 memberships and one paid 2021 membership. Dave Schams will chase up on a few who have verbally committed for the year, but dues not yet submitted.

Bike Trail:
Dave updated on completed section of Phase 1. If you happen to be in Winona, stop by and see the completed bridge – It is great! They still need donations to meet commitments for the next phase, so please help if you can.

New Business/Sidewalk Insanity:
This is scheduled for the same day as the 100-mile Garage Sale. It was proposed by Dave Schams and seconded by Larry Farl, that if the Garage Sale cancels, so will this event. If garage sale goes forward, we will advertise and promote as in the past. Motion carried unanimously.

Christmas Open House:
This is an “Open House” for local Businesses and scheduled for the second (2nd) weekend of November.

Christmas Walk:
Due to the current uncertainties and lack of volunteers to make this happen, a proposal to cancel for 2020 was unanimously carried. There being no further items to discuss at this time, motion to close the meeting proposed by Clive Pace and seconded by Larry Farl. Meeting called to a close at 6:00pm.

Submitted by,
Clive Pace

Next Board Meeting: Friday, August 07
Next Membership Meeting: Wednesday, August 20
JUNE 17, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
MAY 20, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
MARCH 15, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
MARCH 18, 2020 - 5:30PM

Due to the rapidly and daily changing COVID-19 situation, this meeting has been canceled. All future events will be addressed individually as necessary to comply with the Local, State and Federal directives.
FEBRUARY 19, 2020 - 5:30PM

Location: Wings Over Alma, 110 N Main Street, Alma, WI 54610

Members Present:
• David and Susie Balcom
• Larry Farl
• Anne Jost
• Clive Pace
• Lee Salisbury
• Dave and Sandy Schams
• Corey Scholl
• Jim Wilke
• Bill Wolcott

The meeting was called to order by President Clive Pace.

Secretary's Report:
Motion to accept the secretary’s report was made by David Balcom, seconded by Sandy Schams and carried.

Treasurer's Report:
The chamber has $771 and with the deposit of two memberships tomorrow, we will have $871 in the bank after having spent $1700 so far this year, primarily for annual rent and web development. Also noted that the 2019 Tax return has been filed. A motion to accept the treasurer’s report was made by Larry Farl, seconded by Bill Wolcott and carried.

Dave Schams has been busy with the bike trail but still working on recruiting business owners to become members as 20 from last year have not yet renewed. He believes most of them we will rejoin. A new membership form that can be used on line is being developed soon. Clive will also forward to members a list of last year’s and this year’s members so active members can more easily target previous members that have not yet signed up and paid their dues.

Web Page:
Corey Scholl informed the members that new chamber website is up and running. Those who go to the old "dot com" website will be redirected to the new site. Some of the new services offered include better security, ability to track visits to the site, a newsletter, on line donation and membership sign up, a Facebook page, a download for the chamber logo and a countdown for events. Clive said members should check the website for changes that need to be made for their business’s information and check other members sites as well. They can contact Corey through for changes that they want to make. Corey plans to set up the use of a laptop and screen to the next chamber meeting to help members better understand what he is doing and can do for us.

Bike Trail:
Dave Schams told chamber members that the major donation champagne for the bike trial is well underway and work has already started on phase one with a completion date in June. Two launch parties are planned for this coming Tuesday and the following Tuesday in Winona. Dave requests that as many people as possible attend at least one of the events - Refreshments will be provided and it is a no-cost event, though donations will be gratefully accepted, so invite your friends to register too! Reservations for the launch can be made at the website for the Flyway Trial. You can also make a reservation (RSVP) to attend the parties, at the Chamber website

No Further Business:
Due to time overrun for preceding items, President Clive Pace decided to table the discussion of advertising on the agenda, to next month's Board meeting. Larry Farl moved to close the meeting. Dave Schams seconded and the motion was carried.

Submitted by,
Anne Jost

Next Board Meeting: Friday, March 06
Next Membership Meeting: Wednesday, March 18
The Alma Chamber of Commerce Visitor Center is located in the Wings Over Alma Building on Main Street. Let us know if you have any questions or comments. We are happy to provide more details. Please email us 24/7 or call us to learn more.

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Alma Chamber | 110 N Main Street | Alma, Wisconsin
Proudly Designed, Programmed & Maintained By
Corey Scholl Marketing & Design